Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash
I never realized how terrifying and liberating (at the same time!) it could be to tell your story until I became a community organizer. Sitting in a room with people who were different in every way – religiously, socio-economically, racially (…need I go on?), you never know what stories shaped, and continue to shape, someone’s life.
I’m going through some major life changes at the moment. In one month, I left my car, my place of residence, and my job. Whoa. All while still looking for a house. Slowly, some temporary fixes came through. Then I got covid. More challenges came. Every area of my life felt like it was shaken. And I had a comedy show coming up within weeks of this (here’s the link to my last comedy show).
Sharing these stories with dozens and dozens of people in a work-related context as I built relationships with them and worked toward a stronger community was draining. At the same time, it was worth it. We grew closer. Their kindness touched me in ways that I could not have imagined.
I truly learned first-hand that God can use everything that we go through for His glory and for our good.
People started asking valid questions.
“How are you still laughing?”
“Are you doing okay? Like really?”
“What do you need right now? What can I do? How can I help?”
I held onto the Anchor of my soul. God is still bringing me through this.
Sharing about my journey with people who are closest to me and people who I’ve known for years has been eye-opening. People have been supportive in ways that I did not expect! People have been praying me through and encouraging me at the times when I need it the most!
This is a reminder to me that God alwayssss sees us – even when it doesn’t feel like it (Genesis 16:3). Keep holding on…and share your story, too. It can be the combination that unlocks the doors to hope for others in your life and introduces them to Jesus.